The Linda Young Ovarian Cancer Support Program is committed to prevention, early detection, and health care advocacy to help the women of our community cope with ovarian cancer. Our Mission is to provide resource information and a support network for women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, their families, and their friends.
Our program is affiliated with the Oncology Support Program at the Mary’s Ave Campus, member of the HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley.
The Oncology Support Program is situated in the intimate setting of the Herbert H. and Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House at 80 Mary’s Ave across from the Mary’s Ave Campus.
The Linda Young Program was founded in loving memory of Linda Young, an extraordinary woman with an insatiable thirst for life. The Linda Young Ovarian Cancer Support Program honors Linda’s life. As a Registered Nurse and a Lamaze instructor, Linda shared the joy of new life with countless parents and dedicated herself to the service of her patients. In her professional career, she always strived for new challenges and approached her own diagnosis of ovarian cancer with the same courage.
Our purpose in creating the Linda Young Ovarian Cancer Support program carries forth Linda’s desire to offer accessible resources and information to women whose lives are altered by ovarian cancer. Above all, as Linda herself would have wanted, we wish to educate women so they can advocate effectively for their own health care.
In loving memory of Linda Young, we hope to accomplish our tasks—one woman at a time.
Our Services include:
Peer Support
You will be connected to an ovarian cancer survivor within 24-48 hours when you call our support program at 845.339.2071.
Resource and Reference Publications
We can provide you with the most current information available on ovarian cancer, including a listing of national and local organizations. We also have educational awareness materials available to answer your questions and concerns.
Lending Library
We have books and videos on ovarian cancer and general cancer topics which you may borrow. Please give us a call or stop by for assistance.
Wellness Programs
The Oncology Support Program offers many workshops and lectures designed to relieve stress and encourage your creativity. Strengthening your emotional and physical well-being is especially important at this time.
Caregiver Support & Counseling
We offer group or individual support and counseling for family members and friends. A strong network of support is an important factor in your treatment.
Public Education
Increase awareness of ovarian cancer among the general public, medical professionals, and local community and government agencies.
Promote funding and legislative changes at the state and federal levels for education and research of ovarian cancer.
Financial Assistance
The Linda Young offers financial assistance to eligible ovarian cancer patients.
The Linda Young Healing Garden is dedicated to the memory of Linda and located behind the Herbert H. and Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House. The garden offers a lovely peaceful environment for meditation and reflection.
Our support services are confidential and free of charge. There is a donation requested for participating in Wellness Classes.
Oncology Support Program
80 Mary's Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845.339.2071
Fax: 845.339.2082
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