CT Scan

ct scanner with patient

The following information is provided to help you learn more about the CT scan procedure, providing information on what to expect and to answer questions you may have regarding an appointment for an imaging procedure.

What is a CT scan?

A CT scan – short for Computed Tomography scan – is a non-surgical medical test that helps physicians identify and treat diseases, such as conditions involving the heart or blood vessels. During a CT scan, special X-Ray equipment makes several images or pictures of the inside of the body, such as the bones and blood vessels. A computer joins the multiple pictures in a cross-section view, and a physician or radiologist is able to view the images on a computer monitor or as a printed film.

What type of CT scanners does HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley use?

HealthAlliance Hospital and Margaretville Hospital use advanced imaging equipment to perform their CT Imaging services. For instance, HealthAlliance Hospital has a 5,000 square foot Diagnostic Center equipped with a GE Light Speed 16-slice CT scanner. This advanced imaging system captures the image of any organ in one second and scans the whole body in fewer than 10 seconds. In one rotation, the CT scanner creates sub-meter images, which are combined to form a three-dimensional view of the patient’s internal body parts for the physician to analyze.

What You Need to Know for Your Ultrasound

  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothes
  • If a patient feels claustrophobic, a sedative can be administered
  • Metal objects like jewelry, eyeglasses, hairpins, hearing aids, and dental work can affect the imaging procedure. Please remove them before the procedure.
  • The physician needs to know about any current illnesses or history of a condition
  • The technologist may ask about current medications and any known allergies.
  • The technologist must be aware if the patient is pregnant

If you have additional questions, please contact one of our staff members in the Imaging Department.


HealthAlliance Hospital
105 Mary's Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845.338.2500

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Margaretville Hospital
42084 State Highway 28
Margaretville, NY 12455
Phone: 845.568.2631

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