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The Center for Sleep Medicine

Dr. Joseph and Esther B. Hartman Sleep Center

Call Now: 845.660.0380.

Dr. Joseph and Esther B. Hartman Sleep Center 

The Dr. Joseph and Esther B. Hartman Sleep Center at HealthAlliance Hospital is accredited by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Our faculty is comprised of board-certified sleep medicine physicians from the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine.

The Center provides patients with comprehensive evaluations to help manage a wide array of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, narcolepsy and hypersomnia, REM behavior disorder, and circadian rhythm disorders. Faculty at the Dr. Joseph and Esther B. Hartman Sleep Center has special expertise in managing:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Narcolepsy and hypersomnia
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Circadian rhythm disorders
  • Nighttime eating disorders
  • Sleep issues in menopause
  • Chronic respiratory failure

Our Approach to Sleep Disorder Care

At the HealthAlliance Hospital Sleep Center, our physicians customize care for every patient with the goal of improving quality of life. Patient comfort is prioritized first and foremost, and services are provided in a contemporary, comfortable setting conveniently close to where patients live and work.

Approximately one in three Americans suffers from a sleep disorder. Neglecting the treatment of sleep disorders raises the likelihood of developing obesity, high blood pressure, and depression, while also contributing to subpar academic achievement, heightened irritability, work-related difficulties, industrial accidents, and fatalities behind the driving wheel.

The Center 

The center at 396 Broadway in Kingston consists of three comfortably appointed and private bedrooms, each with televisions and Wi-Fi access. The Center has accommodations for individuals who may need assistance from someone at home on the night of their study.  We have the ability to test individuals with complex and unique sleep disorders in order to get the information we need to help them.

The Sleep Study

The sleep study is a painless and non-invasive procedure. Upon your evening arrival, a licensed sleep technologist will welcome you, explain the study's steps, and set it up. Throughout the overnight session, the sleep technologist monitors your brain waves, heartbeat, and breathing patterns. Board-certified sleep physicians assess the results and collaborate with your doctor to propose treatment options aimed at enhancing your sleep.

Trust the HealthAlliance Hospital Sleep Center — and rest assured that quality care and great sleep are ahead.

Do I have a sleep disorder? Ask yourself, “Do I …”

  • Snore?
  • Wake up feeling tired?
  • Wake up with a headache?
  • Feel drowsy during the day?
  • Fall asleep unintentionally?
  • Feel drowsy when driving?
  • Wake often during the night?
  • Stop breathing while asleep?
  • Have leg twitches during sleep?
  • Have difficulty falling asleep?
  • Have difficulty staying asleep?
  • Have high blood pressure?
  • Have a weight gain or are overweight?
  • Sleepwalk?
  • Have vivid nightmares?
  • Have behavior or learning problems?
  • Have irritability, hyperactivity or inattentiveness?
  • Suffer from menopause-related insomnia?
  • Engage in nighttime eating?
  • Have leg discomfort at night?
  • Feel like I can sleep all day?

Lab Sleep Studies and At-Home Sleep Studies

The Sleep Center offers an extensive array of diagnostic tests, encompassing both home sleep testing and in-lab testing. Your referring clinician, working in collaboration with our sleep specialists, will determine the most suitable type of sleep test based on the clinical concern.

In the case of a prescribed home sleep study test, you can either receive the device by mail or pick it up, with provided instructions for proper setup. Following two nights of device use, you'll return it, allowing for the analysis and interpretation of the collected data.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Studies

What is a sleep study?

A sleep study involves gathering data about your breathing, movements, heart rhythm, and brain waves during sleep to help identify issues with your sleep. Several monitors are applied on the night of your sleep study and then you will be allowed to fall asleep. The data is recorded and then interpreted by a sleep specialist. Sleep studies can help identify breathing disturbances and movement disturbances that may affect the quality of your sleep.

Depending upon the type of sleep study your clinician has ordered, you may just sleep the night as normal, or you may receive a mask to wear for part of the night if your study demonstrates abnormal breathing.

How does my clinician decide if I qualify for a home sleep study versus a study at the sleep lab?

A home sleep study provides limited information about breathing disorders. If there is a concern about movement disorders or other contributing factors to poor sleep, a home sleep study may be inadequate. Some insurance carriers also have preference for one test over another.

Can I take my medications the day/night of the sleep study?

Your referring clinician should review your medications prior to your sleep study. For most standard studies, no medication changes are needed. Occasionally, your clinician might suggest a change for the night or nights leading up to the study, depending upon the type of study you are having. This should be communicated with you by your clinician.

Is getting a sleep study uncomfortable?

There is no pain involved in sleep studies. All monitors are applied superficially on the body. Of course, it can be a bit uncomfortable to sleep with monitors on, but aside from annoyance and perhaps poorer sleep than usual, the test is not uncomfortable. 

Are the rooms private?

Yes, you will be the only person sleeping in the room. The technologist may come in and out throughout the night to fix the monitors or apply additional equipment. 

What time do I need to arrive at the sleep lab?

You will receive an arrival time when you are scheduled for your sleep study. Arrival time is in the evening, typically in the hours between 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. It takes time to set the study up and get you ready for bed.

If your referring clinician wants you to have a study done at a different time for clinical reasons, they will work with the sleep lab and notify you of the appropriate arrival time.

What time will my sleep study end?

When you wake up in the morning, or when the time is around 6 a.m., the technologist will unhook the monitors. You will answer some questions about your sleep and then you will be able to leave.

What if I cannot sleep the night of my study? 

Many people worry about the quality of data that is obtainable the night of study when sleep feels so poor. Even with relatively little sleep, the data obtained during the study is often very helpful for ruling-in or ruling-out certain sleep disturbances. 

Can I go to work the next day?

You can go to work the day after your study. There is a place to shower at the sleep lab. You may feel this necessary because some of the monitors are applied with a dissolving adhesive that comes off easily with warm water.

How long does it take to get my results?

It takes time for the technologist to score the study and then for the sleep specialist to interpret the results and write the report. It may take up to two to four weeks to receive results.

Does insurance cover the sleep study?

The staff at the sleep lab will work with your insurance and the clinicians to obtain authorization for the sleep study prior to scheduling.

What will happen if my test is abnormal?

You should schedule a follow-up with your referring clinician to review the sleep study results and discuss next steps. In cases of complex sleep issues, your clinician may refer you to a sleep specialist if you are not already being seen by one.

How do I schedule a sleep study?

Information: 845.660.0380


Dr. Joseph and Esther B. Hartman Sleep Center
396 Broadway
Kingston, NY 12401

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Chatr-Aryamontri, Barbara, MD
  • Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease
  • Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine
  • Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
Parikh, Nirmal K., MD
Nirmal Parikh, MD
Attending Physician
  • Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease